之前讨论的都是思科的,今天咱们具体讨论内容包含VLAN级联的静态配置; 通过GVRP协议实现的VLAN级联的动态配置;端口Hybrid特性配置;PVlan特性配置。
在完成VLAN的相关配置之后,要求能够达到同一VLAN内的PC可以互通,不同VLAN间的PC不能互通的目的。首先按照上图连接各实验设备,然后配置PCA IP地址为10.1.1.2/24,PCB IP地址为10.1.2.2/24,PCC IP地址为10.1.1.3/24,PCD IP地址为10.1.2.3/24。
1. 具体的配置如下:
(1) 配置交换机端口属于特定VLAN
[Quidway]sysname S3026A
[S3026A]vlan 2
[S3026A-vlan2]port Ethernet 0/9 to e0/16
[S3026A-vlan2]vlan 3
[S3026A-vlan3]port Ethernet 0/17 to e0/24
[Quidway]sysname S3026B
[S3026B]vlan 2
[S3026B-vlan2]port Ethernet 0/9 to e0/16
[S3026B-vlan2]vlan 3
[S3026B-vlan3]port Ethernet 0/17 to e0/24
(2) 配置交换机之间的端口为Trunk端口,并且允许所有VLAN通过
[S3026A]int e0/1
[S3026A-Ethernet0/1]port link-type trunk //设置端口工作在trunk模式(系统默认为access模式)
[S3026A-Ethernet0/1]port trunk permit vlan all //允许所有VLAN通过Trunk端口
[S3026B]int e0/1
[S3026B-Ethernet0/1]port link-type trunk
[S3026B-Ethernet0/1]port trunk permit vlan all
(1) 配置三台交换机之间链路为trunk链路
[Quidway]sysname S3526C
[S3526C]int e0/1
[S3526C-Ethernet0/1]port link-type trunk
[S3526C-Ethernet0/1]port trunk permit vlan all
[S3526C-Ethernet0/1]int e0/2
[S3526C-Ethernet0/2]port link-type trunk
[S3526C-Ethernet0/2]port trunk permit vlan all
(2) 在S3526C上创建VLAN2和VLAN3
[S3526C]vlan 2
[S3526C-vlan2]vlan 3
1. 具体的配置如下:
(1) 删除S3526上的VLAN创建:
[S3526C]undo vlan 2
[S3526C]undo vlan 3
(2) 在三台交换机上配置VLAN动态注册协议——GVRP:
GVRP is enabled globally
[S3526C]int e0/1
GVRP is enabled on port Ethernet0/1
[S3526C-Ethernet0/1]int e0/2
GVRP is enabled on port Ethernet0/2
[S3526C]display gvrp statistics
GVRP statistics on port Ethernet0/1
GVRP Status : Enabled
GVRP Failed Registrations : 0
GVRP Last Pdu Origin : 00e0-fc07-7085
GVRP Registration Type : Normal
GVRP statistics on port Ethernet0/2
GVRP Status : Enabled
GVRP Failed Registrations : 0
GVRP Last Pdu Origin : 00e0-fc07-7089
GVRP Registration Type : Normal
[S3526C]display vlan
Now, the following VLAN exist(s):
1(default), 2-3
(3) 3. 接下来我们可以通过如下的方法来观察一下GVRP注册VLAN信息的过程:
[S3026A]vlan 5
[S3026B-Ethernet0/1]dis vlan
VLAN function is enabled.
Now, the following VLAN exist(s):
1(default), 2-3, 5
[S3026B-Ethernet0/1]dis vlan
VLAN function is enabled.
Now, the following VLAN exist(s):
1(default), 2-3, 5
[S3526C-Ethernet0/2]dis vlan
Now, the following VLAN exist(s):
1(default), 2-3, 5
Ethernet0/1 is up
Hardware is Fast Ethernet, Hardware address is 00e0-fc07-708f
Auto-duplex(Full), Auto-speed(100M), 100_BASE_TX
Flow control: disabled
Broadcast MAX-ratio: 100%
Mdi type: auto
Port link-type: trunk
VLAN passing : 1(default vlan), 2-3, 5
VLAN allowed : 1(default vlan), 2-4094
Trunk port encapsulation: IEEE 802.1q
1099 packets output
98522 bytes, 158 multicasts, 176 broadcasts, 0 pauses
998 packets input
81803 bytes, 166 multicasts, 71 broadcasts, 0 pauses
0 CRC errors
0 long frames
Ethernet0/1 is up
Hardware is Fast Ethernet, Hardware address is 00e0-fc07-707c
Auto-duplex(Full), Auto-speed(100M), 100_BASE_TX
Flow control: disabled
Broadcast MAX-ratio: 100%
Mdi type: auto
Port link-type: trunk
VLAN passing : 1(default vlan), 2-3, 5
VLAN allowed : 1(default vlan), 2-4094
Trunk port encapsulation: IEEE 802.1q
1092 packets output
91028 bytes, 109 multicasts, 86 broadcasts, 0 pauses
1264 packets input
104679 bytes, 253 multicasts, 106 broadcasts, 0 pauses
0 CRC errors
0 long frames
Ethernet0/1 is up
Hardware is Fast Ethernet, Hardware address is 00e0-fc06-2380
Auto-duplex(Full), Auto-speed(100M), 100_BASE_TX
MTU: 1500, Maximum Frame Length: 25608752
Flow control: disabled
Broadcast MAX-ratio: 100%
Mdi type: auto
Port link-type: trunk
VLAN passing : 1(default vlan), 2-3, 5
VLAN allowed : 1(default vlan), 2-4094
Trunk port encapsulation: IEEE 802.1q
Last 5 minutes output: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec
Last 5 minutes input: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec
input: 1314 packets, 116004 bytes
184 broadcasts, 192 multicasts
input: - input errors, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles, 0 CRC
1152 frame, - overruns, aborts, 0 ignored, - parity errors
Output: 1211 packets, 99117 bytes
80 broadcasts, 197 multicasts, 0 pauses
Output: - output errors, 0 underruns, - buffer failures
- aborts, 0 deferred, 0 collisions, 0 late collisions
- lost carrier, - no carrier
Ethernet0/2 is up
Hardware is Fast Ethernet, Hardware address is 00e0-fc06-2380
Auto-duplex(Full), Auto-speed(100M), 100_BASE_TX
MTU: 1500, Maximum Frame Length: 25608752
Flow control: disabled
Broadcast MAX-ratio: 100%
Mdi type: auto
Port link-type: trunk
VLAN passing : 1(default vlan), 2-3
VLAN allowed : 1(default vlan), 2-4094
Trunk port encapsulation: IEEE 802.1q
Last 5 minutes output: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec
Last 5 minutes input: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec
input: 1168 packets, 97347 bytes
89 broadcasts, 116 multicasts
input: - input errors, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles, 0 CRC
1081 frame, - overruns, aborts, 0 ignored, - parity errors
Output: 1354 packets, 112066 bytes
109 broadcasts, 274 multicasts, 0 pauses
Output: - output errors, 0 underruns, - buffer failures
- aborts, 0 deferred, 0 collisions, 0 late collisions
- lost carrier, - no carrier
[S3026B]vlan 5
[S3026B-vlan5]port e0/3
Dynamic VLAN is configured, now changed to static!
Ethernet0/2 is up
Hardware is Fast Ethernet, Hardware address is 00e0-fc06-2380
Auto-duplex(Full), Auto-speed(100M), 100_BASE_TX
MTU: 1500, Maximum Frame Length: 25608752
Flow control: disabled
Broadcast MAX-ratio: 100%
Mdi type: auto
Port link-type: trunk
VLAN passing : 1(default vlan), 2-3, 5
VLAN allowed : 1(default vlan), 2-4094
Trunk port encapsulation: IEEE 802.1q
Last 5 minutes output: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec
Last 5 minutes input: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec
input: 4065 packets, 337496 bytes
253 broadcasts, 370 multicasts
input: - input errors, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles, 0 CRC
3765 frame, - overruns, aborts, 0 ignored, - parity errors
Output: 4606 packets, 373337 bytes
240 broadcasts, 903 multicasts, 0 pauses
Output: - output errors, 0 underruns, - buffer failures
- aborts, 0 deferred, 0 collisions, 0 late collisions
- lost carrier, - no carrier
(4) 在交换机的Trunk端口上,VLAN的GVRP注册有三种方法:normal、fixed和forbidden。其中normal是默认的注册方法,表示允许在该端口手工或动态创建、注册和注销VLAN。下面我们分别来看看其他两种方法:
[S3026A-Ethernet0/1]gvrp registration fixed
[S3026B]vlan 7
[S3026B-vlan7]dis vlan
VLAN function is enabled.
Now, the following VLAN exist(s):
1(default), 2-3, 5, 7
Now, the following VLAN exist(s):
1(default), 2-3, 5, 7
VLAN function is enabled.
Now, the following VLAN exist(s):
1(default), 2-3, 5
Ethernet0/1 is up
Hardware is Fast Ethernet, Hardware address is 00e0-fc07-708f
Auto-duplex(Full), Auto-speed(100M), 100_BASE_TX
Flow control: disabled
Broadcast MAX-ratio: 100%
Mdi type: auto
Port link-type: trunk
VLAN passing : 1(default vlan), 2-3, 5
VLAN allowed : 1(default vlan), 2-4094
Trunk port encapsulation: IEEE 802.1q
647 packets output
52285 bytes, 97 multicasts, 27 broadcasts, 0 pauses
809 packets input
66183 bytes, 228 multicasts, 54 broadcasts, 0 pauses
0 CRC errors
0 long frames
[S3026A-Ethernet0/1]gvrp registration forbidden
[S3026A-Ethernet0/1]dis int e0/1
Ethernet0/1 is up
Hardware is Fast Ethernet, Hardware address is 00e0-fc07-708f
Auto-duplex(Full), Auto-speed(100M), 100_BASE_TX
Flow control: disabled
Broadcast MAX-ratio: 100%
Mdi type: auto
Port link-type: trunk
VLAN passing : 1(default vlan)
VLAN allowed : 1(default vlan), 2-4094
Trunk port encapsulation: IEEE 802.1q
929 packets output
74705 bytes, 143 multicasts, 35 broadcasts, 0 pauses
1173 packets input
94456 bytes, 348 multicasts, 70 broadcasts, 0 pauses
0 CRC errors
0 long frames
(5) 配置交换机端口属于特定VLAN
[Quidway]sysname S3026A
[S3026A]vlan 2
[S3026A-vlan2]port Ethernet 0/9 to e0/16
[S3026A-vlan2]vlan 3
[S3026A-vlan3]port Ethernet 0/17 to e0/24
1. 具体的配置如下:
(1) 由于当交换机上有Trunk端口存在时不能配置Hybrid,所以我们需要先把Trunk端口改成Access端口。命令如下:
[S3026A-Ethernet0/1]port link-type access
(2) 配置交换机之间的端口为Hybrid端口(注意,连接PC的端口不能配为Hybrid端口):
[S3026A-Ethernet0/1]port link-type hybrid
[S3026A-Ethernet0/1]dis int e0/1
Ethernet0/1 is up
Hardware is Fast Ethernet, Hardware address is 00e0-fc07-708f
Auto-duplex(Full), Auto-speed(100M), 100_BASE_TX
Flow control: disabled
Broadcast MAX-ratio: 100%
Mdi type: auto
Port link-type: hybrid
Tagged VLAN ID : none
Untagged VLAN ID : 1
1292 packets output
101041 bytes, 423 multicasts, 118 broadcasts, 0 pauses
2027 packets input
152720 bytes, 1119 multicasts, 153 broadcasts, 0 pauses
0 CRC errors
0 long frames
从上面的信息可以看出PVID为1,Tagged VLAN ID没有配置,而Untagged VLAN ID默认为1。
2. 配置VLAN2打tag,VLAN3不打tag。
[S3026A-Ethernet0/1]port hybrid vlan 2 tagged
[S3026A-Ethernet0/1]port hybrid vlan 3 untagged
[S3026A-Ethernet0/1]dis int e0/1
Ethernet0/1 is up
Hardware is Fast Ethernet, Hardware address is 00e0-fc07-708f
Auto-duplex(Full), Auto-speed(100M), 100_BASE_TX
Flow control: disabled
Broadcast MAX-ratio: 100%
Mdi type: auto
Port link-type: hybrid
Tagged VLAN ID : 2
Untagged VLAN ID : 1, 3
1539 packets output
122085 bytes, 480 multicasts, 266 broadcasts, 0 pauses
2243 packets input
172338 bytes, 1178 multicasts, 270 broadcasts, 0 pauses
0 CRC errors
0 long frames
从上面的信息可以看出PVID为1,Tagged VLAN ID为2,而Untagged VLAN ID为1和3。
VLAN Type: static
Route Interface: not configured
Description: VLAN 0002
Tagged Ports:
Untagged Ports:
Ethernet0/9 Ethernet0/10 Ethernet0/11
Ethernet0/12 Ethernet0/13 Ethernet0/14
Ethernet0/15 Ethernet0/16
VLAN Type: static
Route Interface: not configured
Description: VLAN 0003
Tagged Ports: none
Untagged Ports:
Ethernet0/1 Ethernet0/17 Ethernet0/18
Ethernet0/19 Ethernet0/20 Ethernet0/21
Ethernet0/22 Ethernet0/23 Ethernet0/24
在VLAN2中,已经有一个tagged port:e0/1。
实际上对于一个以太网帧来说,从主机到交换机接入端口这一段是没有VLAN tag的,这是因为一般的计算机并不能识别VLAN tag的。而当以太网帧在通过Hybrid端口发往另一台交换机之前,就已经打上了相应的VLAN tag以作区别。对于来自不同VLAN的帧,Hybrid端口会根据配置作不同的处理。
以上面的配置为例,当一个从VLAN2来的帧从S3026A的Hybrid端口e0/1发往对端S3526C的e0/1时,S3026A的e0/1端口不会对它作任何处理,而当这个帧到达对端时,(对端也是一样的配置)S3526C的e0/1端口会检查它的VLAN tag,发现VLAN2是Tagged VLAN ID,于是S3526C的e0/1端口不会改变以太网帧的tag,并向相应正确的端口进行转发。
当一个从VLAN3来的帧从S3026A的Hybrid端口e0/1发往对端S3526C的e0/1时,则会被去掉VLAN3的tag。当这个帧到达对端时,(对端也是一样的配置)S3526C的e0/1端口会检查它的VLAN tag,发现是没有VLAN tag的,则认为该帧属于VLAN 1(PVID为1),不会向VLAN 3的端口转发。
如果我们设置Hybrid端口的PVID为3,这样,没有VLAN tag的帧将被认为属于VLAN 3,VLAN3内的主机可以通信。
[S3026A-Ethernet0/1]port hybrid pvid vlan 3
Ethernet0/1 is up
Hardware is Fast Ethernet, Hardware address is 00e0-fc07-708f
Auto-duplex(Full), Auto-speed(100M), 100_BASE_TX
Flow control: disabled
Broadcast MAX-ratio: 100%
Mdi type: auto
Port link-type: hybrid
Tagged VLAN ID : 2
Untagged VLAN ID : 1, 3
4962 packets output
395464 bytes, 523 multicasts, 959 broadcasts, 0 pauses
5105 packets input
410851 bytes, 1222 multicasts, 405 broadcasts, 0 pauses
0 CRC errors
0 long frames
从VLAN的帧格式我们知道VLAN ID域占用12个bit位,所以可以表示的VLAN范围为:0-4095(实际上用户可用的为1-4094)。这样的一个范围对于任何一个企业局域网或者是校园网都可以说已经足够,但是运营商在小区宽带接入的快速发展中,形成了不计其数的用户,而这些用户又不希望受到其它用户的直接访问和攻击。这时候我们如果为每个用户都分配一个VLAN ID来隔离他们,就显得VLAN ID不够用。利用PVLAN,即双层VLAN技术就可以很好的解决这一问题。
在PVLAN中,一台交换机上存在Primary vlan和Secondary vlan。一个Primary vlan和多个Secondary vlan对应,Primary vlan包含所对应的所有Secondary vlaN中包含的端口和上行端口,这样对上层交换机来说,只须识别下层交换机中的Primary vlan,而不必关心Primary vlan中包含的Secondary vlaN,简化了配置,节省了VLAN资源。用户可以采用PVLAN实现二层报文的隔离,为每个用户分配一个Secondary VLAN,每个vlan中只包含该用户连接的端口和上行端口;如果希望实现用户之间二层报文的互通,也可以将用户连接的端口划入同一个Secondary VLAN中。
如上图所示,S3026A划分了4个VLAN,其中VLAN5为Primary VLAN,VLAN2,3,4为Secondary VLAN。S3026B划分了3个VLAN,VLAN4为Primary VLAN,VLAN2,3为Secondary VLAN。其中Primary VLAN包括e0/1,e0/2,e0/3,e0/4口。完成上面配置后,您会发现,在同一交换机内的不同Secondary VLAN的主机不能够互相访问,所有Secondary VLAN的主机都能够访问Primary VLAN的主机;交换机之间的所有PC都能够互相访问。
1. 具体的配置如下:
(1) 在2台交换机上创建VLAN,并为VLAN分配接口(注意,必须为每一个VLAN划分端口):
[S3026A]vlan 5
[S3026A-vlan5]port Ethernet 0/1 to Ethernet 0/4
[S3026A-vlan5]vlan 2
[S3026A-vlan2]port Ethernet 0/5 to Ethernet 0/8
[S3026A-vlan2]vlan 3
[S3026A-vlan3]port Ethernet 0/9 to Ethernet 0/11
[S3026A-vlan3]vlan 4
[S3026A-vlan4]port Ethernet 0/12 to Ethernet 0/16
[S3026B]vlan 4
[S3026B-vlan4]port Ethernet 0/1 to Ethernet 0/4
[S3026B-vlan4]vlan 2
[S3026B-vlan2]port Ethernet 0/9 to Ethernet 0/16
[S3026B-vlan2]vlan 3
[S3026B-vlan3]port Ethernet 0/17 to Ethernet 0/24
(2) 配置S3026A的VLAN5为Primary VLAN,VLAN2,3,4为Secondary VLAN,建立Primary VLAN和Secondary VLAN的映射关系;配置S3026B的VLAN4为Primary VLAN,VLAN2,3为Secondary VLAN,建立Primary VLAN和Secondary VLAN的映射关系。
[S3026A]vlan 5
[S3026A-vlan5]isolate-user-vlan enable //设置VLAN类型为Primary VLAN
[S3026A]isolate-user-vlan 5 secondary 2 3 4 //配置Primary VLAN和Secondary VLAN间的映射关系
[S3026B]vlan 4
[S3026B-vlan4]isolate-user-vlan enable
[S3026B]isolate-user-vlan 4 secondary 2 3
[S3026A]dis current-configuration
sysname S3026A
radius scheme default
aaa authentication-scheme Default radius next local
aaa accounting-scheme Default enable offline
interface Aux0/0
vlan 1
vlan 2
vlan 3
vlan 4
vlan 5
isolate-user-vlan enable
interface Ethernet0/1
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 2 to 5 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 5
interface Ethernet0/2
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 2 to 5 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 5
interface Ethernet0/3
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 2 to 5 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 5
interface Ethernet0/4
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 2 to 5 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 5
interface Ethernet0/5
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 2 5 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 2
interface Ethernet0/6
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 2 5 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 2
interface Ethernet0/7
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 2 5 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 2
interface Ethernet0/8
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 2 5 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 2
interface Ethernet0/9
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 3 5 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 3
interface Ethernet0/10
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 3 5 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 3
interface Ethernet0/11
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 3 5 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 3
interface Ethernet0/12
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 4 to 5 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 4
interface Ethernet0/13
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 4 to 5 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 4
interface Ethernet0/14
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 4 to 5 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 4
interface Ethernet0/15
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 4 to 5 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 4
interface Ethernet0/16
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 4 to 5 untagged
port hybrid pvid vlan 4
interface Ethernet0/17
interface Ethernet0/18
interface Ethernet0/19
interface Ethernet0/20
interface Ethernet0/21
interface Ethernet0/22
interface Ethernet0/23
interface Ethernet0/24
interface NULL0
isolate-user-vlan 5 secondary 2 to 4
user-interface aux 0
user-interface vty 0 4
从上面的信息中可以看出,PVLAN实际上是通过前一个实验中的hybrid端口来实现。即通过配置一系列的hybrid端口,并对来自不同VLAN的帧进行不同的VLAN tag处理,来达到隔离VLAN的目的。
配置完成后,在同一交换机内的不同Secondary VLAN的主机不能够互相访问,所有Secondary VLAN的主机都能够访问Primary VLAN的主机;交换机之间的所有PC都能够互相访问。在交换机S3026A上使用display vlan 5命令可以看到,同一交换机的所有VLAN的所有端口都属于VLAN5,也就是说VLAN2,3和4是VLAN5的更细化的VLAN。
[S3026A]display vlan 5
VLAN Type: static
Isolate-user-VLAN type : isolate-user-VLAN
Route Interface: not configured
Description: VLAN 0005
Tagged Ports: none
Untagged Ports:
Ethernet0/1 Ethernet0/2 Ethernet0/3
Ethernet0/4 Ethernet0/5 Ethernet0/6
Ethernet0/7 Ethernet0/8 Ethernet0/9
Ethernet0/10 Ethernet0/11 Ethernet0/12
Ethernet0/13 Ethernet0/14 Ethernet0/15
1. 准备两台PC机PCA和PCB,然后配置PCA IP地址为10.1.1.2/24,PCB IP地址为10.1.1.3/24。
2. 将PCA连接到交换机S3026A的端口e0/5上,将PCB分别连接到交换机S3026A的端口e0/9和e0/12上,从PCA ping PCB,看是否能够ping通。
3. 将PCB连接到交换机S3026A的端口e0/2上,从PCA ping PCB,看是否能够ping通。
4. 将PCB连接到交换机S3026B的任一端口上,从PCA ping PCB,看是否能够ping通。
实际上从配置信息中可以看出在S3026A中划分给VLAN5的hybrid端口PVID都为5,同理划分给VLAN2,3,4的hybrid端口PVID分别为相应的VLAN ID,这就造成了在同一交换机内的不同Secondary VLAN的主机不能够互相访问。而VLAN5作为Primary VLAN,实际上包含了所有的端口,所以所有Secondary VLAN的主机都能够访问Primary VLAN的主机。在交换机之间,由于通过e0/1相连,而e0/1又划分在各自的Primary VLAN,PVID为各自的Primary VLAN ID,因此通过e0/1的帧会加上对方的Primary VLAN ID,可以访问对方所有的端口。